Chickens for Beginners

Chickens for Beginners: 101

It is almost time to order your eggs or baby chicks and get started raising your very own chickens.  Your own flock means your own eggs and if you want even your own meat.  To have the most success it is a good idea to know the ins and outs BEFORE you get started!  With you will learn from the pros!  Our instructor has been raising backyard chickens for over 20 years and is the current president of the Pacific Northwest Poultry Association (PNPA).

A minimum of 10 students is needed for this workshop to be a "go," so please bring a friend or two or three with you!

Instructor: Sher


Event Properties

Event date: 03-15-2014 10:00 am
Event End Date: 03-15-2014 12:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Cut off date 03-13-2014
Class Price $15.00
Location Camas First Christian Church
We are no longer accepting registration for this event